32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


            We have been journeying on the way of the Lord our God. On this journey, the Lord is with us, offering himself for our salvation. He feeds us, opens us to see what we can offer him, and sets us free. In all this, the Lord is challenging our social situation and its injustices.

            This Sunday, let us do our bit by caring for others and our environment, doing little acts of generosity, knowing that to the Lord, the little acts count a lot. The Gospel today gives us the example of a Widow’s generosity that counts a lot in the eyes of the Lord. We, too, our little acts done with self-giving, can catch the attention of the Lord. At the same time, let us invite the Lord to come and save us. The Psalmist invites us to do so, thus orienting ourselves to the Advent season and ultimately Christmas time. The event that will take place in the upcoming season of Christmas will allow us to contemplate God’s complete generosity to us. The meager sacrifice made by the two Widows in today’s readings points to this event of the Lord becoming poor for our richness: Salvation.

            Jesus comes to our lives with his justice and salvation. Our little acts of generosity to welcome his gift of salvation in our souls count a lot to him. He is the Lord who bears our iniquities and offers himself entirely to the point of losing his life for us. Such an act by the Lord should compel us to offer ourselves in the best way we can. By providing our whole self to the Lord of justice, salvation, and our model of generosity, then, will our lives be different and become an offering pleasing to him.

Christian Action This Week:  Do even the little acts of generosity and justice to others. They will catch the Lord’s attention.

Joy and peace.