28th  Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


Today’s readings stress the need for wisdom when discerning our priorities. They challenge us to see the world and our place in it through the lens of wisdom.

The First Reading says that wisdom, God’s greatest gift, is more valuable than anything else; having wisdom means possessing everything.  Wisdom is personified; she is God’s self for us.

The Psalm teaches us to value our days and wisely use the gifts therein.

The Second Reading shows how God’s word can read our deepest thoughts and intentions.

The Word of God, enfleshed in Jesus of Nazareth, discerns the priorities of the rich young man in the Gospel.  Because nothing is hidden from God, the wealthy man is seen and sees himself held accountable. He is invited to perceive the distractions his great wealth brings and to receive the riches of a deep relationship with Christ.

This week, let’s pray that we might be open to the irresistible Word and Wisdom of God, that we might let ourselves be discerned and challenged, that we may become truly rich in Christ.

Joy and pace.