Easter Sunday, Year B


Christ, our hope, is risen! Alleluia!

We greet this day with thanksgiving and praise. Christ, our hope, has risen, and we want to announce it with our lives and our joy. This is how we see Peter in the First Reading.  He is addressing Cornelius and his household, recounting Jesus’s life and death, and how, as a witness to it, Peter has been transformed to proclaim Christ’s resurrection to his people.

In his letter to the Corinthians (Second Reading), St. Paul encourages us with the practical example of getting rid of the old yeast and being completely renewed through Christ in sincerity and truth.

The Psalm is a joyful Easter song celebrating Christ’s triumph. It will be a refrain throughout the season. In the Gospel, after Mary of Magdala finds the stone rolled away from the tomb, she runs to tell Peter and John. Seeing the empty tomb and the discarded clothes, they slowly realize that Jesus has truly risen.

Let us pray that we, too, will be a beacon of hope, witnessing the resurrection in our lives.

Joy and peace.