On this Sunday, we celebrate the feast of Christ, the light of the world, and his manifestation to all peoples. The image of light takes us back to Christmas night when the liturgy was sung with these words, “Today, a great light descends upon the earth.” This light, which was great, appeared to few people in Bethlehem, whereas in today’s celebration, this great light again is manifested to all peoples. All peoples are now among the few, like the Blessed Virgin Mary, her husband Joseph, and shepherds, who are now flamed by this humble light coming from the tender infant, yet a hidden king of the universe who shines upon our lives.
In the first reading, Prophet Isaiah confirms the ancient prophecies about the light from the star that shall come from Israel, the stock of Jesse and Jacob’s family. In the Gospel, the Magi’s visit following the light from this star that led them to the Child in Bethlehem depicts the bold imagery of our pilgrimage toward our eternal Jerusalem. The three wise men embody our life’s pains and joys and search for meaning that can only be found in the Lord himself, who illuminates them. In life, we set out toward the unknown, which can be a painful or joyful path, yet Christ, who is the light that illuminates our path of faith and life, quenches our thirst and restlessness by giving us his grace, which St. Paul appreciates in the seconding reading and is revealed through the Gospel he preaches.
This week, let us pray that our faith’s inner pilgrimage toward God will continue to occur through prayer, which truly expresses our yearning for God.
Joy and peace.