4th  Sunday of Advent, Year B


This year, the Fourth Sunday of Advent is swallowed up in Christmas Eve. Perhaps we can celebrate it early so as not to lose the riches of this final week: the Lord is very near.

In our first reading, God does not allow David to build him a physical house but promises rather to build him a house, a dynasty, that will last forever.

The Psalm reinforces this promise and emphasizes God’s Fatherly love and faithfulness.

St Paul, in the Second Reading, tells of how God’s mystery, kept secret through the ages, has now been revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.

In the Gospel, the well-loved narration of the Annunciation to Mary, we note how the angel emphasizes that her Son will be of the House of David. Mary willingly agrees to be part of God’s plan.

Tomorrow is Christmas Day: may we hold out our suffering world in yearning for the Prince of Peace.

Joy and peace.