‘Peace be with you!’
God’s love and mercy outpouring flow throughout this Sunday’s liturgy. The joy of resurrection that we celebrate in this Easter season rings out in the words of praise that we repeat with jubilation in today’s Psalm: ‘Give Thanks to the Lord for he is good, His love has no end. It reminds us that during dark and challenging times, the presence of the risen Christ is a comfort in our distress.
In the first reading, the early Church filled with the Holy Spirit gathered together to worship, bringing the risen Lord’s healing to all who seek it. St John, writing from the prison for his beliefs, describes a vision of God’s endless love. The risen Christ is the Alpha and the Omega: the Eternal One who stands with us, encouraging us not to be afraid.
The Gospel depicts the disciples shortly after the death and resurrection of Jesus, who are hiding, and fearful of what might happen to them. When Jesus appeared among them amid their fear, his presence brought them peace. Although Thomas is not there and cannot believe the news, eight days later, Jesus came among them again, and he revealed the reality of his resurrection to Thomas.
Today, Jesus stands alongside us, tenderly drawing us out from doubt and disbelief. He has breathed his Holy Spirit upon us. Just as he sent the disciples two thousand years ago, he sends us out to bring peace and healing to a fractured and hurting world. Therefore, this week, let us pray for that peace that only Christ can bring to our hearts, communities, and world.
Joy and peace