As we continue to prepare for the coming of the Lord, we have now come to the third Sunday of Advent, traditionally called “Gaudete.” On this Sunday, our readings invite us to rejoice. We may want to ask ourselves, what is the true meaning of joy? We rejoice because Christ is already with us, even in our crisis of life. We rejoice because we can barely wait to celebrate the wonder and joy of Christmas, the coming of Christ Jesus into our world. We greatly rejoice because God renews us in his love (First reading). He is our strength and savior (Psalm). St. Paul encourages us to have confidence in God and be happy in Him (Second reading).
In the Gospel, people react to John’s invitation to repentance we heard last Sunday. They are asking him, ‘what must we do?.’ The rich young man also asked this question a few Sundays before Advent. The answer to this question is not the same for everyone, but one crucial thing to do is share with those who have less than ourselves.
Christian Action This Week: Be sensitive to the needs of others, especially to the less fortunate. Be generous.
Joy and peace