Today’s readings offer the gift of joy and the invitation to conversion. The words of Prophet Baruch come to us with hope and consolation in our present life crisis, struggles, and decisions. Thus, during this Advent, when we prepare for the three comings of the Lord, we should follow God by the light of faith. Paul thanks the Philippians and joyfully acknowledges their collaboration in proclaiming the Gospel. Their work of faith fills him with joy and gratitude.
The Gospel places the salvation of the Lord within a specific political, historical, and geographical setting. John exercised his ministry within this particular point in history. Who was this man John? He was a good man, and he is asking each of us to become good people for the Lord as we wait for him to come and bring a good change in our lives. He calls us with his message of conversion to turn to the Lord and attain salvation. If we are ready to change our bad ways and walk on the way of the Lord, he will forgive us our sins.
This week as we prepare for the coming of the Lord who forgives and saves, let us listen to the voice crying in the desert asking us for change. Light up the second candle of faith.
Joy and peace.