As we come closer to the Lenten season that will lead us to Easter, we can open ourselves to God’s healing touch, physical and spiritual.
By following what the lord guides us to do and be, we shall be made whole. The first reading alludes to this concept of obedience to God’s rule to be cleansed and protect others. In the second reading, St. Paul advises us to think of other people and not only of ourselves. Indeed, this attitude is imitating Christ.
In the Gospel, the leper pleads while kneeling at Jesus’ feet to be cleansed. Jesus’ emotion reveals the depth of his heart regarding the needs of other people. So, too, for us at this time of the global pandemic and challenges, we should have a heart open to others. Hearts touched by their needs and struggles. Touching the leper, Jesus takes the place of the leper.
While we may find it hard to take the place of other people’s pain and struggles, we can choose to listen to their experiences of pain, isolation, and rejection. We might also overcome our pain and bitterness of not been heard by others when we were struggling or isolated.
Christian Action This Week: Let us continue to heal others and our world through LOVE.
Joy and peace.