1st Sunday of Advent year B.

As we begin another liturgical year with the first Sunday of Advent, we focus on the coming of Christ. Advent is from the Latin word Adventus which means coming. This period of four weeks is the prelude to Christmas season. On these four weeks of Advent we wait for the coming of God’s gift of love, the highest grace of his Son Jesus who came over 2000 years ago and will come again. So, we must stay watchful to the past, present, and the future.

            Isaiah asks the Lord to tear down the heavens and come down to save his people that he created. And the Gospel acclamation is an expression of our watchfulness to receive God’s mercy and salvation. The Psalmist too pleads with God to come once again to his people and protect them as a Shepherd does to his sheep. While St. Paul thanks the Corinthians for their watchful use of their spiritual gifts given to them in Christ, he also praises their faithfulness that reveals the faithfulness of God who called them into communion through Jesus Christ. The faithfulness of the Corinthians is the watchful attitude that Jesus in the Gospel, warns his disciples and now to us, to stay awake, to be guard, ever alert, because we do not know the Lord’s return.

            As we prepare to enter the Christmas season even in the midst of a pandemic, our confidence is only on the Lord who is always coming mysteriously in our lives through the sacraments, gathering of his faith community, his Word, and his ministers, especially, the priests, deacons, and the bishops. Knowing that the Lord will give us the healing, reconciling, joyful, and peaceful graces we need, because of his faithfulness, what will he find you doing for his coming?

Christian Action This Week: Light the first Advent candle of hope in your house. Pray for those who have lost are about to lose hope in life.

Joy and Peace.

Happy new liturgical year B.