We began our Lenten journey last Sunday with Jesus being led by the Spirit in the desert to be tested. Today, we ascend the mountain and the name of this Mountain is identified by the Christian tradition as Mount Tabor. As one of the important details in today’s gospel, this mountain setting cannot escape our further reflection. In the Old Testament God revealed his Law on Mount Sinai, Moses on the same Mountain encountered God and, in the gospel, today, Jesus is transfigured in the presence of his disciples on the Mountain. Therefore, the significance of the mountain as a setting of sacred encounter and revelation stands out.
Today, on the Mountain and in the cloud, a voice that directs our complete attention to the beloved son is heard saying: “This is my beloved son, listen to him”. Listening and hearing have a biblical sense of obedience. This kind of obedience is expressed in the first reading with Abram who is commanded to move to an unknown place and because of his obedience, he was blessed to a great nation.
The greatness that will accompany Jesus’ disciples will come from their listening and hearing that voice that directed them to Jesus. They can only do this when they come down from the Mountain inspired by Jesus’ revealed glory to them. Jesus’ glory that is revealed to them comes as a result of his obedience to his Father’s will through suffering. The invitation to listen and hear can take place in our different life settings which are namely; the family, small faith communities, our Chamas, our parish faith community, devotional groups, and school environs. In these settings, we can concretely listen to one another, love one another and together experience and rejoice over our successes.
Christian disciples do Lent as a time of listening and hearing more profoundly the teachings of Jesus the revealer of the Father. By obedience to his teachings and the commandment of love, we transform our lives and attitudes and the world around us through practical ways of intense prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Christian Action This week: Take time to listen to what God is inviting you to give attention to especially this week.
Joy and peace.