The readings today are all concerned with the law and commandments of Moses. They reflect on the happiness which can be ours if we keep to the spirit of the law and not just its letter. In the first reading from the book of Ecclesiasticus, the author stresses that we are given absolute freedom to choose to keep the commandments.
We are assured of happiness in the Psalm if we keep God’s law. The psalmist addresses God in trusting words, as one friend would to another. St Paul is keen to tell the Corinthians that wisdom comes from God. We cannot fully understand God’s purpose for us, but we need the Spirit’s help to really appreciate God’s depths.
Finally, in the Gospel, we hear Jesus telling his disciples that he has come to complete the law, not to abolish it. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, and using a few daily examples, he shows how we need to go beyond the letter of the commandments and truly understand what is behind them.
This week, we might pray for all lawmakers, ecclesiastical or secular, that they always work for the greater good of all.
Joy and Peace.