Our readings this Sunday lead us to focus on what Jesus considers to be the qualities of his disciples. Following his teaching, we can become silent witnesses to his kingdom.
In the First Reading, Isaiah tells the returned exiles that their prayer and observance are not just for themselves but for action –and for sharing with their neighbor. They, in turn, will be healed by the way they live.
The Psalm is a prayer of praise for the ‘good man,’ who acts with generosity, mercy, and justice. The good person reveals something about God to others. Their good deeds will be rewarded with glory.
In the second reading, St Paul tells how he went about humbly preaching a crucified Christ so that his hearers should build their faith not on human philosophy but on the power of God.
In the Gospel, Jesus tells us that we are to be the earth’s salt and the world’s light. This is how we give the Father praise.
Let us strive this week to remember that in the darkness of today’s world, we are called to be Christ-like in everything we do and how we live.
Joy and peace.