Christmas Homily, 2022


            We tend to remember important historical events in life. One of the most significant events we remember today is the birth of Christ. We remember and celebrate the birth of our Lord, an event of grace and God’s goodness to us. The birth of Christ is an event that changed the history of the world and constituted the central reality of existence. God, who initiated this event, reveals himself as goodness, light, and peace.

We show great faith and love to celebrate this event of the birth of Christ every year and take the opportunity to renew our commitment to follow him, our light, and peace. No one could tell upon seeing the baby Jesus that he could be a charismatic person to turn the world upside down by preaching love instead of hatred, peace instead of war, and forgiveness instead of grudges. We, therefore, join the song of the angels to pray for peace in our hearts and world and embrace Christ Jesus, the light that illumines our hearts from darkness, making us eager to do good as St. Paul in the second reading invites us.

            In Christ is life, and life is the light of men (John 1:2). We have, therefore, a challenge to pattern our lives by this remarkable story of love, goodness, and peace, constructing our Christian identity around this event of Incarnation. In doing so, we shall experience good tidings of God’s goodness and peace.

Joy and peace! Merry Christmas.