Let the Lord enter! He is the King of Glory.
We are arriving at the climax of Advent, and today’s readings show that God is asking for our love and trust. The readings also demonstrate God’s faithfulness in sending Jesus to save us.
In the first reading, Prophet Isaiah comforts King Ahaz, who has turned away from God. The Prophet sees through the false humility of Ahaz but still gives him a sign: a maiden will give birth to a son, Emmanuel – ‘God-is-with-us.’ The same prophecy is echoed in the Gospel when Joseph also faces a difficult situation, but God speaks through an angel in Joseph’s dreams, reassuring him that his son is a gift of the Holy Spirit destined to be the Savior. Joseph follows the angel’s command and places his whole trust in God.
For us, Jesus is the King of Glory in today’s Psalm. The earth and all within it belong to the Lord, and all who follow God’s ways shall receive a blessing.
St Paul emphasizes the human and divine aspects of Jesus, a descendant of David and the Son of God. It is Jesus alone who can bring us grace and peace.
As we continue our Christmas preparations and wait in expectant hope for the Lord’s coming, let us pray for the grace that, like Joseph, we might listen with the ear of faith and respond obediently to the Lord’s call.
We pray especially for peace throughout the world. Just as we welcome Jesus into our hearts, we ask the Lord to help us embrace and welcome all we encounter.
Joy and Peace.