19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C.


Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.”

Today’s readings remind us that God has chosen us as his own. They also highlight the importance of our humble faith and trust in God, who calls us joyfully to take courage in the world.

The first reading recalls the night of the Passover when the Jewish enslaved people put their trust in God and escaped the oppression of Pharaoh.

In the Gospel, Jesus teaches that while the Kingdom of God has already arrived in one sense, in another, it is still to come: it is both a gift and a challenge to us. It is, therefore, vital that we are awake to meet the Master whenever he returns, committing our hearts to the unfailing treasures of his kingdom.

The second reading meditates on the history of Israel, inviting us to imitate people like Abraham and Sarah as models of faith. Faith is the virtue that enables us to keep watching and waiting for the Lord’s presence in the ups and downs of our daily lives.

The Psalmist celebrates all peoples: women and men whom the Lord chooses and, in turn, place their trust and hope in him.

Perhaps this week, we might take our prayer from today’s theme:

Father, please deepen our trust in you so we may live joyfully and with courage.

Joy and peace.