This week the readings speak of Christ’s call to us and the mission given to each of us to follow him and to proclaim his message.
In the first reading, prophet Isaiah describes a vision of the Lord of hosts. The prophet is overwhelmed by his sinfulness, but God in His holiness cleansed him, and Isaiah experienced forgiveness and answered the call to become the Lord’s messenger. The Psalmist is grateful to God and sings his praises because the Lord has given many gifts, and especially the Lord has answered his call. St. Paul tells the Corinthians that however unworthy his previous life has been, he has been able to teach others. God’s grace has made him effective in answering his call of teaching what had been handed from the apostles and others who knew Jesus and witnessed his resurrection and is the source of our belief.
The disciples get an enormous catch of fish at Jesus’ word in the Gospel. And because of that, Simon Peter becomes conscious of his human weaknesses. The disciples then left everything and followed Jesus, who assured them they had nothing to fear. Jesus gave them the mission as fishers of men.
Just like the different people in this Sunday’s readings are called, God has called us in different ways to become his messengers in our polarized contemporary world. As we hear Christ calling us to our unique mission, we pray that we will have the courage to put aside our fears of unworthiness. God will give us his grace to place our faith and trust in him and for the generosity to play our part in building his kingdom here on earth.
Joy and Peace.