As we continue to journey through the liturgical cycle, the readings proclaim the indwelling of the spirit in the lives of all. They also encourage us to avoid any form of discrimination, and other obstacles on the way like small heartedness that seeks to limit God’s love or reject the action of God’s Spirit in the world.
Moses rejoices two elders in the tent could also receive the Spirit, and he reprimands those opposed to this. Like Jesus in the Gospel today, Moses upholds God’s freedom to communicate freely where he wills. In the Gospel Jesus challenges his followers to pay attention to their attitude and inner motivation. The true disciple will be the one who knows how to rejoice in good, whatever its source, Jesus also gives powerful warnings to anyone who is an obstacle to the those who have faith.
The Psalm meditates on the qualities of God’s law, which reflects the characteristics of God himself. This is a model prayer that helps safeguard the one who prays from both conscious and unconscious sin. The second reading emphasizes that those who are attached to riches at the expense of the poor are surely not right. They will be held accountable for their selfish actions in the next life.
This week, let us try to do the following inspired by God’s word on this Sunday.
Let us serve others in the best way we can with humility and without discrimination. We will also bring to prayer our local and national leaders, that they may allow service and humility to inform their inner attitude and motivation. And in a special way, ask to grow in awareness of your own God-given potential to influence life around you, in little ways and maybe even greater ways, as God wills.
Joy and Peace.