As we continue to journey through Easter, and this Sunday, as we respond to the Lord’s invitation to bear fruits, we can also join the Singer of today’s psalm in thanking God for His saving justice upon us. Again, our belief and love in God is the grounding field for our fruitfulness.
Like Paul, our fruitfulness will come through our belief in the name of Jesus Christ and when we accept the intimate relationship to which God invites us. Besides, to have a relationship with the Lord, we must become branches attached to the true vine, Jesus Christ. This intimacy is what Jesus offers through the image of vine and branches. Certainly having, Jesus the true vine, live within our hearts, we as his disciples, the branches, will bear fruit.
What does Jesus mean when he says we have to abide in him? John answers this question in his first letter when he reminds us that by believing in Jesus Christ and loving one another, we are doing what God wants. And that, God, lives in us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. This kind of relationship with God and His Son must continue to exist and grow in us and among us.
Although this is true, some people received baptism and confirmation, the sacraments of initiation into this relationship, but later they lost their friendship with Jesus. They are no longer connected and abiding in Jesus’ love. Besides, no relationship with him, and because of that, they cannot bear fruits from an intimate relationship developed with Jesus, the true vine. The fruits of such a relationship are Justice, love, Peace, and Common Good.
On the other hand, as our connection with the Lord through his Church and sacraments continues to develop and grow, these fruits increase and spread in our lives, ultimately transforming us and our world into a better place to live. An example of this is in the first reading. Saul proves his love for Jesus by preaching about him to the community. They came to accept him, and the life of peace and spiritual gifts was growing and developing in that local community.
Christian Action This Week: Think of the relationship that God wants you to have with Him and the fruits this relationship should bear.
Joy and Peace.