For a week we have been through a liturgical period of Advent: A season to prepare for Christmas when the Lord came to dwell among us; to renew us.
In this second Sunday of Advent, Isaiah paints a picture of the whole world, of people and animals living in harmony and peace. This prophecy comes to fulfillment in Jesus Christ who later brought the universal perspective of life through his birth, death and resurrection. Jesus brought us from the kingdom of evil to the kingdom of peace with God. By his birth, death and resurrection, Jesus brought forth a new harmonious humanity that can live as St. Paul suggests in the second reading through tolerance of one another and give glory to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
John the Baptist with his clarion call to repentance and preparation for the one who is coming is a reminder that there is no room for complacency. We must learn to repent and to change our ways of life. John invites us to opt for the life of moderation especially as we prepare for Christmas. In fact, John invites us to a new way of thinking and acting.
Joy and Peace