At the start of the new church’s liturgical year, we begin a season of expectant waiting for the coming of the Lord. The exhortation to keep us onto this focus is to ‘stay awake’. It is a time to focus on what is truly important in our lives. At this time, we look forward to welcoming the child Jesus into the world at Christmas. Christ calls each of us today to be awake to his presence in every moment, so that we may stand ready to greet him when he comes again in glory.
In the Gospel, Jesus encourages his followers to live within the state of preparation and anticipation, so that they may be ready to welcome the son of man when he comes. Isaiah foretells of the Kingdom of God; which we are all called to proclaim and live out in our daily lives. He uses the image of a great mountain and describes the presence and authority of God. People from every nation will be drawn to the Lord, and peace will reign across the world. The psalm is a pilgrim’s song that would have been sung on the lips of those entering Jerusalem. This becomes our own pilgrim song as we enter Advent. St. Paul calls us to wake up to our true reality. He encourages us to let go of everything that draws our attention away from Christ.
We live a life of longing and yearning for things to change for our good, and for better experiences in life. But we should not forget that the present moment is important and that the Lord is with us here and now. So, stay awake to his presence experienced through the sacraments, his faith community and his Word.
Joy and Peace.