6th Sunday in Ordinary Time year C, 17/02/2019

Happy are those who trust in the Lord

This week the Lord is inviting us to reflect on the happiness which can be ours when we place our trust in him.

Prophet Jeremiah in the first reading teaches us through a language of curse and blessing. This was common in his time but in our time we think of the language of blessing than cursing. Jeremiah invites the people to make a choice either to trust in human beings or to trust in the Lord. Depending on our choice, we inhabit wilderness (like a shrub in the desert) or be happy.

The psalmist echoes the same ideas using the image of a fruitful tree beside the flowing waters.

St Paul in the second reading in his letter to Corinthians indicates that the resurrection of Christ is another source of happiness. Because Christ was raised we were saved and therefore we cannot always remain in our sins. One of the sins St Paul could be referring to is a social sin of injustice that denies some people/members in our society the happiness of life they require by right. As Christ rose for us we should be happiest of all people.

The gospel gives us a series of blessings/happiness, the consequence of our choices. It has also warnings to those who make the wrong choices: woe/ Alas for you…

Where is your trust my dear Christian/seeker or reader? What makes us happy as individuals, family, Small Christian community or a parish? Happy are those who have placed their trust in the Lord.  They are like a tree that is planted beside the flowing waters, that yields its fruit in due season…all that they do shall prosper (Psalm 1). This week reflect deeply on what makes you happy and what again denies you happiness and consequently experience of desert in your family, individual life and community.

How can we live the word this week?

Take that image of the tree growing by water: evergreen, fruitful, thriving tree and find a tree in your home, farm or elsewhere. Go and sit under that tree and put your story into the context of an evergreen, thriving and fruitful tree besides the water. Reflect how many people in your family, small Christian community or parish are thriving, joyful, happy in their lives because of you. How many have you denied happiness by your behaviour, lifestyle, your words or attitude towards them: they cannot thrive, they cannot be happy. Take a concrete action to change, make a choice! Make a choice to be happy in Christ and share that happiness with others.

Make a choice to trust in Christ than anything else. Happiness is hidden in him but discovered by those who choose him and his way. Find a way to spend your life touching the lives of others than destroying them. Help others to be rooted besides the flowing grace of Christ and you will make them happy and hopeful.

Joy and Peace
