The readings this Sunday reassure us that God will never stop believing in us despite our human limitations. Today is the world marriage day and therefore, we can only find the courage to respond to the Lord’s invitation that comes to right from our family settings. Let us remember the marriage couples and all the Christian families to become instruments and contexts to nurture and respond to God’s call.
The first reading describes Isaiah’s mystical vision before the divine court in the Temple. Before God’s glory and holiness, he feels lost and unworthy, but once his lips have been cleansed, he hears God’s call for a messenger and offers himself as the one to be sent out.
The psalmist also imagines himself with the angels in the Temple as he glories in the God who hears us, loves us and stretches out his hand to save us.
St. Paul sees himself as the least of the apostles, but he has complete faith in the risen Lord and in the gift of God’s grace working within him.
In the gospel Peter agrees rather unwillingly to put into the deep water, and is then overwhelmed as he witnesses God’s power at work in the miraculous catch of fish. Jesus tells him to set aside his fears and sense of unworthiness for even greater work now awaits him. The other disciples too leave everything to follow Jesus.
This week as I pray, I can trust that the Lord is inviting me though unworthy and sometimes lost. How might he be inviting me to work with others like my family, friends and students? Do I have the courage to say: “Here I am Lord, send me”.
Learning: Jesus uses Peter’s everyday skills to do something unexpected and remarkable and this made it possible for Peter to trust his invitation.
My Christian action for this week: I will take 15 minutes every day to ponder the ways in which God can use my ordinary gifts to do extraordinary things in my life and the life of others through me.
Joy and Peace.