Digital Media and Ministry Program

SCCs office strives to grow the church through New Media and transform parish communications through the training on sharing the Good News in New Ways.  Concern on how to reach the larger number of people reminds us of the need for the church to be present in the new continent of social media and how to make that presence effective.

In his 2014 World Communications Day message, Pope Francis called the Internet ‘a gift from God’ through which the Christian message can reach to the ends of the earth.

We try to grow the church through new media by responding to those parishes and individuals who know they need to evangelize better but just don’t know how to start.

We contribute into connections which grow into true encounters through a promotion of consistent digital identity through websites, twitter, videos and facebook and we share Good News in New Ways. We create virtual but real communities connected by the gospel of Jesus Christ and Faith.

SCCs office promotes the best practices for Digital Ministry.