We foster the growth of the family both spiritually and communally. Through baptism we all become members of Jesus’ family of faith.
We offer resources to the families and to the children to help them grow in faith through the life of adhering to God’s commandments from the family setup.
Through seminars to the couples we train them to model their families in Trinitarian community and Love. Through this program we are able to form the families as centers for mission by producing missionary disciples with commitment, gratitude and love.
We educate the families on the sacramental catechesis to nurture families rooted on the sacraments of the church especially Eucharist, Matrimony, Baptism where the naming of the child is a family issue.
We form the families to walk together in life, link generations, care for each other and experience fear and loss together, joy and support. We also look at what unites a family and what role does faith play.
SCCs promote the spirit of familyhood in the parishes and strengthen the sanctuaries of life. Our office provides counseling to the couples, seminars on family planning methods and Catholic teachings on Natural family planning method in the light of “Humane Vitae” of Paul VI. Our office promotes the education of girl child in the family and respect for the rights and dignity of the girl child.
We promote the spirit of Joy in the family love in the light of “Amoris Laetitia” of Pope Francis.