27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


Today’s readings lead us to consider the importance of several elements in Jesus’ teaching, such as marriage and commitment, families and children, struggle, and compassion.

In the First Reading, we hear the story of humanity’s beginning in Genesis: how God made man and woman to find completion in each other so that they became one body.

The Psalm is a song of praise for the gift of marriage and a happy family life.

The Second Reading, from the letter to the Hebrews, speaks of how completely Jesus took on the human condition, even to the point of enduring a shameful death.

In the Gospel Jesus is being challenged by the Pharisees, who are trying to trap him. While accepting that our frailty can lead to divorce, Jesus insists on the sacred unity of marriage. He then blesses little children, encouraging us to welcome them and to be more childlike in our faith.

This week, let us unite in prayer for all families, the happy and the struggling, those separated and those dispersed, showing our solidarity and compassion. May all find support and friendship in their faith communities.

Joy and peace.