The Ascension of the Lord Year B


We have journeyed through the Easter season, and now we come to the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, asking for a deeper understanding of this mystery of Christ. Throughout the Eastertide readings, we have watched the disciples grow and mature in faith. Likewise, let us wish to do the same.

The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles gives an account of the end of Jesus’s earthly ministry, his return to the Father, and the promise to send the Holy Spirit. The Psalm is a joyful prayer of praise and an acclamation of Christ’s victory. He is the Lord of all people and, indeed, the universe.

St Paul, in the second reading, describes the meaning of the Ascension as the Father raising Jesus above all powers and making him Lord of creation. The gifts of the Spirit are given for the good of all, to lead us to full maturity in Christ.

In the Gospel, Jesus ascends to heaven and continues to work with his disciples, preaching the Good News and confirming their message through signs.

As we conclude this reflection, let us take a moment to reflect on the readings and their significance in our lives. May we pray for the opportunity to share the Good News with as many people as possible, and may this reflection deepen our understanding of the Ascension of the Lord.

Joy and peace.