3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A


Today’s readings on this Sunday of the Word of God proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, the light of the world: a beacon who draws all peoples to himself.

During the deportation of the old tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali to Assyria, Isaiah promised that their land, then deeply overshadowed by turmoil and war, would one day witness a great light in their midst.

In the Gospel, St Matthew sees the fulfillment of this prophecy. Jesus was and is that light. The beginning of Jesus’ ministry settles in Galilee, a region corresponding to Zebulun and Naphtali’s lands. After proclaiming the kingdom of heaven, it is striking that his first action is to call his first disciples. The task of witnessing to the kingdom is something to be done by more than just Jesus. Instead, he calls followers to share in and continue this work.

If we are to walk in the light of Jesus, Paul warns against tribalism, differences, and division, highlighting that Jesus alone is our light, not any of his followers. Paul’s role is to be a preacher to the humble and proclaim the cross’s counter-cultural message.

The Psalm is an eloquent prayer of trust, where the psalmist calls on the Lord as his light and help.

This week, ask the Lord for that light and help in our lives and the lives of all humanity. We hope we find ways of sharing his light and compassion with all we meet.

Joy and peace.