As we quickly approach Christmas, the readings on this fourth Sunday of Advent speak of God’s plans and promises for the house of David, for Mary, and us.
In the first reading, David resolves to build a house for God, but God promises to build a house for his people. He (God), does so by establishing David as head of the dynasty and giving security to them for generations to come. Later Jesus himself will come from David’s house and continues forever. The Psalmist expresses joy in God’s love and support. He acknowledges that God’s faithfulness is forever as he promised his servant David. St. Paul in the second reading praises God for his revelation of his hidden plan now revealed in Jesus. These are good news we must proclaim. In the Gospel, angel Gabriel visits the insignificant town of Nazareth, to Mary, the New Ark of God’s presence. She will conceive a son and call him Jesus; One who saves. In Mary, the Abrahamic/Davidic covenant comes to fulfillment.
The Abrahamic/Davidic covenant is an unbreakable agreement as opposed to the Mosaic covenant that was marked with disobedience. While the Abrahamic/Davidic covenant is of divine commitment and gave Israel confidence, the Mosaic covenant is of human responsibility and gave Israel a conscience. Today’s readings have a message of how we are the beneficiaries of both biblical covenants. During our present life challenges and difficulties, we have confidence and a conscience that our God is faithful and his mercy endures forever, and like Mary, let us be open to God’s promises and plans.
Christian Action This Week: Become always aware of God’s faithful presence and love. Like Mary, ask for the grace of humility and trust.
Joy and Peace.